- To conduct myself in an honest and ethical manner at all times
- To adhere to all fair housing principles and laws
- To respect rights and responsibilities of residents
- To respond diligently to residents’ requests
- To maintain the property in a safe and habitable condition
- To comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the rental housing industry
- To believe in the value of contracts and their enforcement.
- To believe in the importance of continuing education for rental housing owners, managers, and residents.
- To not intentionally misrepresent any material fact in business dealings.
- To act as a positive role model for the business of real estate investing and providing rental housing when dealing with tenants, the public, the media, government officials, and all others.
- To always seek the counsel of professionals for any issue in which I am not well versed.
- 任何时间都必须诚实守业
- 遵守[公平住房法]
- 尊重住客的权利和责任
- 及时回复住客的要求
- 维系安全可住的住房环境
- 遵守租务条例
- 信任合同的效力并执行合同
- 不断进修自己的租务知识
- 不要抱侥幸心态误解法律
- 对租客、公众、传媒、政府人员和其他人,都必须注意自己的操守,为自己、为地产业、为出租业,树立正面形象
- 不懂的租务问题必须问专家